Querying data

See also

Database tables

Since most analysis is much easier to perform on compiled releases, we recommend working with compiled release collections to begin with.

Find compiled collections for a given source

The following query returns a list of compiled release collections downloaded with the canada_montreal spider in Kingfisher Collect:

    collection -- the `collection` table contains a list of all collections in the database
    source_id = 'canada_montreal' -- filter by collections from the 'canada_montreal' source.
    cached_compiled_releases_count > 0 -- filter by collections containing compiled releases
    id DESC; -- collection ids are sequential, order by newest first

To find collections from a different source, change the source_id condition. The source_id in Kingfisher Process is based on the name of the spider in Kingfisher Collect.

See the list of spiders in the Kingfisher Collect documentation for a list of possible sources.

Get the JSON data stored in a collection

Use the collection id returned by the previous query to restrict your analysis to a single collection.

The following query returns the full JSON data for the first 3 compiled releases in collection 584:

    data -- raw OCDS JSON data is stored as jsonb blobs in the `data` column of the `data` table
    compiled_release ON data.id = compiled_release.data_id -- join to the `compiled_release` table to filter data from a specific collection
    collection_id = 584

To get data from a different collection, change the collection_id condition.

To get data from a collection containing releases or records, join to the release or record tables rather than the compiled_release table.

Rendering JSON using Redash

If you are using OCP’s Redash instance, you can render the results of a query as pretty printed and collapsible JSON by clicking the ‘+ New Visualization’ button, setting the visualization type to ‘table’ and setting the data column to display as JSON.

Calculate the total value of completed contracting processes in a collection

In OCDS, the estimated value is stored in the tender.value Value object which consists of a numeric .amount field and a string .currency field. The tender status is stored in the tender.status field.

To access the properties of a JSON object use the PostgreSQL -> operator. The -> operator takes a JSONB object and a property’s name as input, and returns the property’s value as a JSONB value. The ->> operator returns the value as text.

The following query calculates the total value of completed contracting processes in collection 584:

    sum((data -> 'tender' -> 'value' -> 'amount')::numeric) AS tender_value,
    data -> 'tender' -> 'value' ->> 'currency' AS currency
    compiled_release ON data.id = compiled_release.data_id
    collection_id = 584
    data -> 'tender' ->> 'status' = 'complete'

Filtering on status fields

The tender, awards and contracts objects in OCDS all have a .status field.

Consider which statuses you want to include or exclude from your analysis; for example, you might want to exclude pending and cancelled contracts when calculating the total value of contracts for each buyer.

The OCDS codelist documentation describes the meaning of the statuses for each object.

Calculate the top 10 buyers by award value

Details of the buyer for a contracting process in OCDS are stored in the parties section and referenced from the buyer OrganizationReference object.

Since a single contracting process can have many awards, e.g. when divided into lots, the awards section in OCDS is an array. The award value is stored in the awards.value object.

The following query calculates the top 10 buyers by the value of awards for collection 584.

The PostgreSQL jsonb_array_elements function used in this query expands the awards array to a set of JSONB blobs, one for each award.

The CROSS JOIN in this query joins each row of the data table with each result of the jsonb_array_elements function for that row.

    data -> 'buyer' ->> 'name' AS buyer_name,
    sum((awards -> 'value' -> 'amount')::numeric) AS award_value,
    awards -> 'value' ->> 'currency' AS currency
    compiled_release ON data.id = compiled_release.data_id
    jsonb_array_elements(data -> 'awards') AS awards
    collection_id = 584
    (awards -> 'value' -> 'amount')::numeric > 0 -- filter out awards with no value
    awards ->> 'status' = 'active'
    award_value DESC

Use the PostgreSQL documentation to learn more about operators and functions for working with JSON data.

Organization identifiers

For simplicity, the above query groups by the buyer_name column. Using organization names as a dimension in your analysis can be unreliable, since spellings and abbreviations of the same organization name can differ.

OCDS recommends that publishers provide organization identifiers so that the legal entities involved in a contracting process can be reliably identified.

The identifier for an organization in OCDS is stored in the .identifier field of the entry in the parties section for the organization.

Querying other collections and fields

Coverage of the OCDS schema varies by publisher.

To identify the fields needed for your analysis and how to answer them, use the OCDS schema documentation to understand the meaning, structure and format of the fields in OCDS.

To check whether the fields needed for your analysis are available for a particular collection, you can use the field counts table from Kingfisher Summarize.

To learn more, refer to Querying data in Kingfisher Summarize documentation.